Search Results for: bill clinton

The FBI Monday executed a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago, a Florida resort that former US President Donald Trump owns and uses as a residence. In a statement, Trump labelled the unannounced action a “raid”. FBI agents reportedly entered the premises and broke open a safe. The FBI and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) have [...]


In a letter to President Joe Biden Thursday, Justice Stephen Breyer formally informed of his decision to retire from the Supreme Court and noted that it would be effective at the end of the current term—late June or early July—assuming that his successor has been nominated and confirmed by that time. Biden later gave a [...]


To a U.S. immigrant who grew up (1972-1992) under a de facto dictatorship where election fraud and accepted discrimination were a societal norm, the concepts of fair and transparent elections, “All men are created equal,” and “equal opportunity …” were unfamiliar. They became a substitute of justice for the customary sense of helplessness. I felt [...]


The filibuster debate has focused on whether the rule facilitates or stifles negotiation and compromise. Of course, the rule – that 60 votes are required to end debate – doesn’t do either. It’s the norms that those subject to the rule adopt that matter.  When I was younger, it seemed, Congress adhered to a norm [...]


I. Introduction Much of U.S. governance is held together by goodwill, unwritten norms, and the ideals that “that would never happen” and “no one would ever do that.” Every hope of continued reliance on these norms was “shattered” on January 6, 2021, when armed insurrectionists invaded the U.S. Capitol. Under the direction of the President, [...]


Let’s get this out on the table: your President is mentally ill and a possible “dictator to be”. There, I said something no one wants to admit. It is hard to believe, but a minority of Americans allowed this poor devil to be constitutionally elected President of the United States. While the rest of the [...]


Five Alaska Native tribes filed a lawsuit on Wednesday to challenge the Trump administration’s attempt to allow logging in the 17 million acre Tongass National Forest. The tribes are represented by nonprofits Earthjustice and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and are joined as plaintiffs by environmental groups, commercial fishing groups and tourism businesses. In [...]


The Arkansas Supreme Court on Tuesday invalidated the state legislature election victory of Democrat Jimmie Wilson over a previous federal misdemeanor conviction. The invalidation deemed Republican David Tollett the default victor of the November 3 Arkansas State House District 12 election. The court invalidated Wilson’s victory despite then-president Bill Clinton pardoning Wilson for in 2001. [...]